Mission Possible (2010)

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Movie Cover Details

Actors: Pushkar Jog, Mohan Joshi, Sharad Ponkshe, Niranjan Naamjoshi, Sai Tamhankar
Directors: Pushkar Jog
Language: Marathi
Subtitles: English
Region: All Regions
Number of discs: 1
Rated: U (Universal)
Studio: Shemaroo
Product Release Date: 18 Dec 2010

Movie Summary

The Story of the film begins with events like dance competitions, turf fights, rose days, drugs and rock-n-roll, leaked exam papers, canteen blues and endless coffee sessions of college campus. Yash Kirtikar (Pushkar Jog ) is an enthusiastic collegian who has a dream girl in his mind, but does not reciprocate the girl Saie (Saie Tamhankar), who really loves him. He has his group of friends funnily named Neil, Nitin, and Mukesh (nothing to do with the actors and singers of Bollywood). Tragedy strikes when Yash and Saie open the lid on a drug and exam paper leak syndicate running in the college. Further, Yash, who is really in love with a girl Pearl (his dream girl-Manisha Kelkar) is implicated in her murder during a dance competition and is sentenced to a jail term. Yash with the help of a ‘Bhai’ (Ganesh Yadav) escapes from the prison and with the help of his friends, tries to reach the real killer. The Story of the film begins with events like dance competitions, turf fights, rose days, drugs and rock-n-roll, leaked exam papers, canteen blues and endless coffee sessions of college campus. Yash Kirtikar (Pushkar Jog ) is an enthusiastic collegian who has a dream girl in his mind, but does not reciprocate the girl Saie (Saie Tamhankar), who really loves him. He has his group of friends funnily named Neil, Nitin, and Mukesh (nothing to do with the actors and singers of Bollywood). Tragedy strikes when Yash and Saie open the lid on a drug and exam paper leak syndicate running in the college. Further, Yash, who is really in love with a girl Pearl (his dream girl-Manisha Kelkar) is implicated in her murder during a dance competition and is sentenced to a jail term. Yash with the help of a ‘Bhai’ (Ganesh Yadav) escapes from the prison and with the help of his friends, tries to reach the real killer.

Ratings & Reviews

This movie has been rated by customers on Amazon; with the average ratings of out of 5.

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