Selva. Un portrait de Parvaneh Navaï (1983) Classic Movie

Movie Summary

Trance dances and out of body projection. In front of the camera, Parvaneh Navaï becomes a mediator who enters in contact with and immerses into the energies of Nature, while her own energy radiates and echos in the forest ("selva").

Movie Title Selva. Un portrait de Parvaneh Navaï
Release Year 1983
Movie Rated as N/A
Total Runtime 75 min
Movie Language French
Movie Country France

Movie Ratings

Source Ratings
Internet Movie Database7.2/10
IMD Rating 7.2/10
Critics Score N/A%

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Credits & Crew

Generes: Classic
Director: Maria Klonaris
Writer: Maria Klonaris
Actors: Parvaneh Navaï