Mémoire battante (1983) Classic Movie

Movie Summary

Trois mémoires, celle du Montagnais, celle du Jésuite et celle de Lamothe, se juxtaposent sans se contredire, se définissent sans se nuire, s'évaluent sans se diminuer. «Mémoire battante ...

Movie Title Mémoire battante
Release Year 1983
Movie Rated as N/A
Total Runtime 168 min
Movie Language French
Movie Country Canada

Movie Ratings

Source Ratings
Internet Movie Database8.3/10
IMD Rating 8.3/10
Critics Score N/A%

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Credits & Crew

Generes: Classic
Director: Arthur Lamothe
Writer: Arthur Lamothe
Actors: Gabriel Arcand, Arthur Lamothe, Rolande Rock