Unheimlich II: Astarti (1980) Classic Movie

Movie Summary

Astarti, the Greek name for Ishtar, is an archetype of a deep, nocturnal feminine that emerges from subterranean darkness. We experience an embodied cinematic experience realized through a sensuous aesthetic as we are invited to e...

Movie Title Unheimlich II: Astarti
Release Year 1980
Movie Rated as N/A
Total Runtime 180 min
Movie Language French
Movie Country France

Movie Ratings

Source Ratings
IMD Rating N/A/10
Critics Score N/A%

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Credits & Crew

Generes: Classic
Director: Maria Klonaris, Katerina Thomadaki
Writer: Maria Klonaris, Katerina Thomadaki
Actors: Maria Klonaris, Parvaneh Navaï, Katerina Thomadaki