Buda as sharm foru rikht (2007) Drama War Movie

Movie Summary

A young girl zealously wants to go to school and learn to read and write. Almost everywhere she is met with hostility or indifference. The only young boy who takes her to his school is thrown out by the teacher, because helping her p

Movie Title Buda as sharm foru rikht
Release Year 2007
Movie Rated as N/A
Total Runtime 81 min
Movie Language Persian
Movie Country Iran, France, Afghanistan

Movie Ratings

Source Ratings
Rotten Tomatoes80%
IMD Rating 7.3/10
Critics Score N/A%

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Credits & Crew

Generes: Drama, War
Director: Hana Makhmalbaf
Writer: Marzieh Makhmalbaf
Actors: Abbas Alijome, Abdolali Hoseinali, Nikbakht Noruz