Chistilishche (1998)

Movie Summary

A military drama based on true events - a battle on the First Chechen War during the winter of 1994-1995. A story covers attacking a local hospital where Russian military forces placed. The film is full of violence scenes.

Movie Title Chistilishche
Release Year 1998
Movie Rated as N/A
Total Runtime 120 min
Movie Language Russian
Movie Country Russia

Movie Ratings

Source Ratings
Internet Movie Database7.0/10
IMD Rating 7.0/10
Critics Score N/A%

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Credits & Crew

Generes: War
Director: Aleksandr Nevzorov
Writer: Aleksandr Nevzorov
Actors: Aleksandr Baranov, Sergey Bogdanov, Zed Korshoonoff, Aleksandr Makarov