Lokis. Rekopis profesora Wittembacha (1970)

Movie Summary

A pastor studying folklore in remote parts of 19th century Lithuania is invited to stay with a young nobleman. His mother is sequestered and mad. It seems she has been attacked by a bear as...

Movie Title Lokis. Rekopis profesora Wittembacha
Release Year 1970
Movie Rated as N/A
Total Runtime 100 min
Movie Language Polish, English
Movie Country Poland

Movie Ratings

Source Ratings
Internet Movie Database6.3/10
IMD Rating 6.3/10
Critics Score N/A%

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Credits & Crew

Generes: Fantasy, Horror
Director: Janusz Majewski
Writer: Janusz Majewski, Prosper Mérimée (story)
Actors: Józef Duriasz, Edmund Fetting, Gustaw Lutkiewicz, Malgorzata Braunek