Movie List for "2016"

Batman: The Killing Joke (2016)

As Batman hunts for the escaped Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime attacks the Gordon family to prove a diabolical point mirroring his own fall into madness.

Blood Feast (2016)

Fuad Ramses and his family have moved from the United States to France, where they run an American diner. Since business is not going too well, Fuad also works night shifts in a museum of …

Exorcist House of Evil (2016)

Based on a true story, shot in THE REAL EXORCIST HOUSE, a young woman returns to her old family home, the site of an infamous exorcism and discovers the devil never left. This film was shot…

Mono (2016)

A mono virus outbreak at Highland Park High takes out the most popular kids for two months, allowing the outcasts to rule the school.

Money Back Guarantee (2016)

A gripping drama based on the black market organ trade in America. Lisa (Allison Joy McDaniel) and the group must survive the night in this real life house of horrors.

The Age of Shadows (2016)

Korean resistance fighters smuggle explosives to destroy facilities controlled by Japanese forces in this period action thriller.

Phoenix (2020) Short Movie

Markus nearly got killed in 2016. While his wounds are healing he learns to forgive. With time he only gets stronger and turns negative energy into good one. Year 2020.

Generes: Short
Director: Florian Felix Koch
Writer: N/A
Actors: Markus Reuss