Movie List for "drama 2"

Time Framed (2013)

Time Framed tells the story of Agent Truman Black; a gun-for-hire secret operative who is entrained to protect government and corporate interests in high-stakes missions. During his latest …

The Trail (2013)

A young housewife is stranded alone in the woods after a tragic accident along The Oregon Trail. Far from home, she is tested mentally, physically, and spiritually in a battle for her life.

Fourever (2014)

A contemporary and twisted love story, Johnny is planning a reunion party as a guise to lure his old friends into a trap. He refuses to move on from his past and will do anything to get …

Churchill (2017)

96 hours before the World War II invasion of Normandy, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill struggles with his severe reservations with Operation Overlord and his increasingly marginalized role in the war effort.

Discover Zac Ryan (2017)

Dr. Zac Ryan is a clinical research oncologist searching for a cure for cancer, when he discovers his trial patient is his biological father.

Scarred (2013)

A teenager is struggling to come to terms with the domestic violence in his household, and the violence that surrounds his life.

I.T. (2016)

A millionaire has his life turned upside down after firing his I.T. consultant.

Big Sky (2015)

A teen traveling with her mother to a treatment center for her agoraphobia has to fight for their lives against a gunman who attacks them.

Mikael (2015)

Far past his prime at age 33, and left with one option, Mikael travels to Kurdistan Iraq, his ancestral home, to redeem his prodigious potential and heal his soul.