Movie List for "tim story"

The Thread (2015)

The document tells the story of the social media manhunt that took place in the wake of the Boston marathon bombing.

Set Me Free: Vol. I (2016)

A troubled young woman runs away from home, unaware from the outside world that she has been missing and presumed dead for 20 years.

Umi (2011)

Umi is an independent film written by Jamal Hall. It explores the story untold of grandmothers becoming mothers again.

Colourful & Impossible (2015)

A competitive puzzle tester working in Japan discovers a code he is unable to decipher which may be the cause to a global economic disaster.

Embrace of the Serpent (2015)

The story of the relationship between Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman and last survivor of his people, and two scientists who work together over the course of forty years to search the Amazon for a sacred healing plant.

The Rainforest: Last Standing Treasure (2016)

A Magical Documentary about one of the planets Last Standing Treasures, THE Pacific Northwest Temperate RAINFOREST. This Documentary constructs the history and evolution of a Pacific Northwest Olympic Peninsula temperate Rainforest.

Free to Rock (2017)

FREE TO ROCK is a 60 minute documentary film directed by 4 time Emmy winning filmmaker Jim Brown and narrated by Kiefer Sutherland. Ten years in the making, the film explores the soft power…

Blood of the Martyrs (2017)

On November 16, 1989, six Jesuits and two women were brutally murdered in El Salvador by US trained and funded commandos of the Salvadoran army. The executions, carried out in the middle of…

Bloodrunners (2017)

Set in 1930s prohibition, a corrupt cop discovers that the popular speakeasy in town has been infiltrated by vampires.

War of Resistance (2011)

War drama following a group of young resistance fighters in its daring attempts to thwart Nazi atrocities during the Second World War. David Thomas Jenkins stars as Hans, a young physics …

Beautiful Sounds of Love (2013)

A deaf college student falls in love with a guy who can hear. However, with a history of domestic abuse, it is difficult for her to truly commit to the relationship. Throughout, they face …

Killer Piñata (2015)

A possessed piñata, seeking to avenge the savagery that humanity has inflicted on his kind, picks off a group of friends, one by one, in an unending night of terror.

The Levellers (2015)

The story holds a retro feel in a world that is fast approaching the New World Order and the fight for ultimate control and leadership. Touching on the issues of Data tagging, monitoring, …