Shaktimaan (2012)

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Movie Cover Details

Language: English
Region: All Regions
Number of discs: 4
Rated: U (Universal)
Studio: Big Music
Product Release Date: 30 July 2014

Movie Summary

Shaktimaan is animated action series about a young college student named Vehaan Arya who has trained with 7 guru masters in the Himmalayas and gained amazing yogic super powers. But when another of the gurus' students, Kilvish, turns his powers toward evil, Vehaan is forced to leave the Himalayas and go to the big city where he takes on the super persona of Shaktimaan in order to stop Kilvish from wreaking global havoc. While attending Indus City University as his "cover", Vehaan becomes the assistant to the brilliant but wacky head of the computer science department, Professor Gyani. In Gyani's lab, Vehaan monitors Kilvish's activity via cyber security and traking satellites. He also meets the professor's addball computer, Louise, who has been programmed with a personality that mimics Gyani's dearly departed mother. In addition to Vehaan's best friend and roommate, Bumpy, he also becomes friends with Leena Ray, a beautiful journalism student who desperately wants to get a "big scoop" so she can get a real job as a brodcast journalist. When Leena learns about Shaktimaan and his amazing super powers she knows that he is the scoop she's been waiting for. If she can get an exclusive video and interview of Shaktimaan she's certain her broadcast dream will come true. Her younger brother Chikoo adores Shaktimaan and along with his friends dreams of becoming a savior like Shaktimaan some day

Ratings & Reviews

This movie has been rated by 36 customers on Amazon; with the average ratings of 3.5 out of 5.

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