The Safety Net (2018)

Movie Summary

While politicians in Washington debate the cost and role of healthcare in our country, this film gives an eye-opening look at one of the busiest safety net hospitals in America-overworked, understaffed, economically challenged and struggling to meet the demands of a diverse community.

Movie Title The Safety Net
Release Year 2018
Movie Rated as N/A
Total Runtime N/A
Movie Language English, Spanish
Movie Country USA

Movie Ratings

Source Ratings
IMD Rating N/A/10
Critics Score N/A%

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Credits & Crew

Generes: Documentary
Director: Joshua Krause, Byron Watkins
Writer: Joshua Krause, Byron Watkins
Actors: Dr. Mark Kestner, Dr. Ednann Naz, Tina Gulbronsen, Dr. Lawrence Weed